Prof. John Hunter - MTH222 - Differential - Rating 4/5



Review: Prof. John Hunter

MTH222 - Differential​


Prof. Hunter is extremely knowledgeable and makes his lectures very interesting for his students. He mainly focuses on practical problems instead of the theory which helps students build their concepts better.

Things to remember:
  • He explains tough topics by breaking them down into simpler facts
  • Extensive reviews on tests are given during classes
  • He provides practice papers before the finals which are extremely suggestive and contains most of the questions of the exam.
  • He conducts pop quizzes weekly, on the lectures taught previously. This helps students prepare well for their midterm and finals
If the student studies his material, goes through the practice papers and pop quizzes, passing isn’t tough at all. Especially, students must go through the questions assigned in the practice papers as around 80% of them match with the questions given in the finals.
