Prof. Bruno Mantilla - BME111 - Design of Biomaterials - Rating 2.1/5



Review: Prof. Bruno Mantilla

BME111 - Design of Biomaterials


Prof. Mantilla has very high expectations from his students which may be tough to match up with if you aren't serious and if you don't attend his lectures.

Things to remember:

  • He teaches mostly from the textbook and he asks questions in class, from there only. So to participate in class, you can read the chapter beforehand
  • 16% of your grade depends on class participation so make sure you attend his lectures and ask questions
  • He is quite approachable outside class hours too so you can go to him if you have any doubts
  • No homework is assigned but he takes weekly pop quizzes
The exams are online and are mostly MCQ type. So if students read their textbooks well, they should be able to pass easily. Also if you want a good grade, be prepared to participate actively during his lectures
